It is in life that dreams are made
and it is in dreams that stories are born. A story is a dream on paper, an endless flowing stream of ideas come
to life.
My name is Donna, and I created this site so you can join me on my writing journey. I'll share some
things about myself and some of my writing so that you can get to know me and enjoy my stories.
Latest news on my writing journey:

My story "Hear No Evil,Speak No Evil" is included in the Carpathian Shadows Vol. II anthology now available
in e-book and paperback. It is abvailable for purchase at and at Amazon
I was a winner again in 2008's NaNoWriMo. I managed to write 52,000 words in the month of November.

It's time!!! Registration is now open for the 2009 Muse
Online Writers Conference. Go to the link below and sign up. It was a great time last year and this years conference
looks like it's going to be even better. You don't want to miss it!!!2009MuseConference : 2009 Muse Conference Registration

I recently joined a Speculative Fiction CRIT group
through The Muse it Up Club.. It is very challenging, but I'm learning something valuable every week. Due to this group, I
have submitted several stories to online contests and e-zines for publication.